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The collection of the data, organization of the competition, and maintainance of this website requires a large effort. We are committed to maintaining this site as a repository of benchmark results on our test data set in the spirit of cooperative scientific progress. In return, everyone who uses this site needs to respect the rules below.

These rules amount to the following: in order to use this MS lesion segmentation challenge database, you need to send us the results of your algorithm, in the form of binary segmentation and a document that describes your method, and allow us to make these results publicly available on this site. We do not claim any ownership or right to the algorithms or uploaded documents, or create obstacles for publishing methods that use our data. On the contrary, we welcome publications that use the data on this site.

The following rules apply to all visitors of this site:

The following rules apply to those who register a team, download data and submit results:

The content of this website is copyrighted © Martin Styner, Simon Warfield,Wiro Niessen, Theo van Walsum, Coert Metz, Michiel Schaap, Xiang Deng, Tobias Heimann, and Bram van Ginneken. This work is supported by the UNC Neurodevelopmental Disorders Research Center HD 03110 and NIH Roadmap for Medical Research, National Alliance for Medical Image Computing, Grant U54 EB005149-01.